Our company has provided services in the construction materials supply and construction sectors through various projects over the years, becoming one of the most reliable and well-established firms in the industry.
In the early 1990s, our company ventured into maritime transportation in international waters, gaining experience and continuing its growth in this field. Thanks to our customer-oriented service approach and innovative strategies, we have secured a significant position in the maritime transportation sector.
In the 2000s, our company maintained its family-owned structure, adding a new firm to its group and expanding its activities in the maritime sector. Accordingly, under the name Konan Denizcilik ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, it focused on freight transportation and continued to provide services in compliance with international standards.
As of today, our company continues to operate successfully as a reliable partner in both maritime transportation and the construction materials sector, with its experience and customer-focused approach. Building a solid reputation both domestically and internationally, our company aims to continue adding value to its sector with its innovative vision in the future.
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